The applicant is exploring the potential of Atar House to be extended to the east and upwards to create 21 new high quality apartments, amenity space and a gym, as well as extending 4 of the apartments located within the existing Atar House building. The proposal would include the delivery of 7 affordable homes.
The existing building has 6 floors with office space & 12 flats (4x 1 bed flats, 7x 2 bed flats & 1x 3 bed flat).
The proposal will have 15 floors with office space & 31 flats (10x 1 bed flats, 16x 2 bed flats & 5x 3 bed flats).
It is proposed that the fourth floor of the existing building, which contains two flats, is removed. The new external frame will contain 21 new flats thus adding a further 19 flats to Atar House.
The applicant is proposing to deliver a high quality housing development to llderton Road, delivering a wide mix of apartment sizes and tenures.
The proposal will be a highly sustainable, high quality development, delivering much needed homes on a previously developed site. The proposal will include significant amounts of planting by creating mini garden balcony areas to soften the visual impact of the building and make a positive impact upon local ecology.
The design takes its architectural inspiration from the local area and its historic industrial heritage. The scheme is sited in close proximity to Millwall Football Club where redevelopment proposals also take a lead from the immediate environs. The proposed scheme at Atar House would blend well with the aesthetic design approach being taken at Millwall Football Club which will add to the enhancement of the built environment in the local area.
The area is undergoing significant changes with several new high rise developments in the immediate area, including a 28 storey building within close proximity of the proposal site. This proposal is intended to complement the emerging vernacular and make a positive impact on the character of the area.